Introduction to Java + Installing Java JDK and IntelliJ IDEA for Java By CodeWithHarry


Introduction to Java + Installing Java JDK and IntelliJ IDEA for Java By CodeWithHarry

Summary by Introduction to Java + Installing Java JDK and IntelliJ IDEA for Java By CodeWithHarry

Introduction to Java Programming

Java: A Beginner-Friendly Language (00:00:00 - 00:00:10)

  • Java is a popular programming language for beginners

  • The notes cover Java programming concepts from the beginning

Getting Started with Java (00:00:10 - 00:01:44)

  • Install the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer

    • Download the JDK from the Oracle website

    • Accept the terms and conditions

    • Install the JDK on your Windows system

  • Download and install the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment (IDE)

    • Download the community version of IntelliJ IDEA

    • Install the IDE on your computer

Understanding Java (00:01:44 - 00:08:33)

History and Features of Java

  • Java was created by James Gosling and the team at Sun Microsystems in 1991

  • Java is a simple, portable, and reliable programming language

  • Java is an object-oriented programming (OOP) language, unlike the procedural-oriented C and C++

  • Java is a compiled language, but it also has an interpreted component

Key Concepts

  • Java Development Kit (JDK) is a collection of tools used for developing and running Java programs

  • Java Runtime Environment (JRE) helps execute Java applications

Creating Your First Java Program (00:08:33 - 00:16:24)

Setting up the Development Environment

  • Install and configure IntelliJ IDEA for Java development

  • Customize the IDE settings (e.g., theme, font, editor settings)

Writing and Running a "Hello, World!" Program

  • Create a new Java project in IntelliJ IDEA

  • Write a simple "Hello, World!" program using the System.out.println()


  • Run the program and observe the output

Next Steps (00:16:24 - 00:18:38)

  • Access the Java playlist in the video description for more Java programming content

  • Follow the instructor on social media (e.g., Instagram) to stay updated on future videos and notes

Table: Key Java Concepts



Java Development Kit (JDK)

A collection of tools used for developing and running Java programs

Java Runtime Environment (JRE)

Helps execute Java applications

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

A programming paradigm that focuses on creating objects and their interactions

Compiled Language

A language that is converted into machine-readable code before execution

Interpreted Language

A language that is executed line by line without prior conversion to machine code

DeepLearn by Introduction to Java + Installing Java JDK and IntelliJ IDEA for Java By CodeWithHarry

Getting Started with Java Programming

Installing Java Development Kit (JDK) (00:00:36 - 00:01:44)

Description: To begin Java programming, you need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) on your computer. This includes the necessary tools and libraries to write, compile, and run Java programs.

Key Points:

  • Download the JDK from the Oracle website ( or by searching for "JDK" in your browser.

  • Look for the Windows x64 installer and download it.

  • Accept the terms and conditions to proceed with the download.

  • Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE) (00:02:37 - 00:03:14)

Description: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is a software application that provides a comprehensive environment for writing, testing, and debugging Java programs.

Key Points:

  • A popular IDE for Java development is IntelliJ IDEA.

  • Download the community version of IntelliJ IDEA, which is free to use.

  • The community version provides a 30-day trial period, after which you can continue using it for free.

Table of Key Java Concepts



Java Development Kit (JDK)

The software package required to write, compile, and run Java programs.

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

A software application that provides a comprehensive environment for Java development.

IntelliJ IDEA

A popular IDE for Java programming, with a free community version available.

Additional Notes

  • The video provides step-by-step instructions for installing the JDK and setting up an IDE for Java programming.

  • It emphasizes the importance of having the necessary tools and environment set up before starting to write Java code.

  • The notes cover the key steps and concepts required to get started with Java programming, including downloading and installing the JDK and setting up an IDE.

Introduction to Java Programming

Overview of Java (00:03:29 - 00:03:45)

  • Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1991

  • It is a simple, portable, and reliable language

  • Java has features that make it more advanced than C or C++

  • Java has become a widely used language for web development and applications

Java Development Kit (JDK) (00:03:45 - 00:04:09)

  • The Java Development Kit (JDK) is the software package needed to develop Java applications

  • The JDK includes the Java compiler, Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and other tools necessary for Java development

  • The JDK is a crucial component for writing, compiling, and running Java programs

Installing the JDK (00:04:09 - 00:04:58)

  • To start Java development, you need to download and install the JDK

  • The JDK can be downloaded from the official Java website

  • Once downloaded, follow the installation prompts to set up the JDK on your system

  • After installation, you can begin writing and running Java programs

History of Java (00:04:58 - 00:05:22)

  • Java was created by James Gosling and a team at Sun Microsystems in 1991

  • Java was designed to be a simple, portable, and reliable programming language

  • Java was created as an alternative to C and C++, with a focus on ease of use and cross-platform compatibility

  • Java has become a widely used language for web development, mobile applications, and enterprise-level software

Key Features of Java (00:05:22 - 00:05:36)

  • Java is an object-oriented programming language

  • Java is platform-independent, meaning it can run on various operating systems

  • Java is designed to be secure, with built-in security features to prevent common programming errors

Java's Impact and Adoption (00:05:36 - 00:06:26)

  • Java has become a widely used programming language for a variety of applications

  • Java is commonly used for web development, mobile apps, enterprise software, and more

  • Java's popularity and widespread adoption have made it a valuable skill for developers to possess

Preparing for Java Exams (00:06:26 - 00:07:13)

  • When studying for Java exams, it's helpful to create a quick reference table with key information

  • Reviewing video tutorials and course materials can also be beneficial for exam preparation

  • Understanding the history, features, and applications of Java is crucial for success in Java programming exams

Quick Reference

Java Programming Language

Developed by: Sun Microsystems

Year Introduced: 1991

Key Inventors: James Gosling

Features: Simple, Portable, Reliable

Applications: Web Development, Mobile Apps, Enterprise Software

Introduction to Java

Java as an Object-Oriented Language (00:07:29 - 00:07:52)

Java is a purely object-oriented language, unlike procedural-oriented programming languages like C and C++. Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that focuses on creating objects, which are instances of classes. In the future, programs written in other languages may be converted to Java to take advantage of its object-oriented features.

Java as a Compiled and Interpreted Language (00:07:52 - 00:08:33)

Java is a compiled language, which means that the source code is first converted into machine-readable bytecode through a compilation process. This bytecode is then interpreted by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to execute the program. Java is considered both a compiled and interpreted language, as the compilation process is followed by the interpretation of the bytecode.

Installing Java (00:08:50 - 00:09:22)

To run Java programs, you need to install the Java Development Kit (JDK) and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). The JDK is a collection of tools used for developing and running Java programs, while the JRE is responsible for executing Java applications.

Key Points:

  • Install the JDK to develop and run Java programs

  • Install the JRE to execute Java applications

Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) (00:09:22 - 00:09:56)

The JDK is a collection of tools used for developing and running Java programs, while the JRE is the Java runtime environment that helps execute programs developed in Java.

Key Points:

  • JDK: Collection of tools for developing and running Java programs

  • JRE: Helps execute Java applications

Future Plans for the Java Course (00:09:56 - 00:10:35)

In the future, the instructor plans to upload a Java cheat sheet, notes, and source code for the Java program being discussed. The student is encouraged to search for the Java program and confirm that they have read the instructions.

Key Points:

  • Cheat sheet and notes will be uploaded

  • Source code for the Java program will be shared

  • Student should search for the Java program and confirm they have read the instructions

Creating a New Java Project in IntelliJ IDEA


This set of notes covers the steps to create a new Java project in the IntelliJ IDEA integrated development environment (IDE). It includes information on selecting the appropriate project settings, configuring the development environment, and writing the first Java program.

Key Points

  • Open IntelliJ IDEA and click on the "New Project" button to create a new project (00:10:52)

  • In the "New Project" window, select the appropriate project SDK (usually Windows 10) and click "Next" (00:10:52 - 00:11:32)

  • Choose the "Command Line App" project template and click "Next" (00:11:32 - 00:11:43)

  • The "Command Line App" template provides the minimum code required for a simple learning purpose (00:11:32 - 00:11:43)

  • For more advanced applications, you can explore the various capabilities of Java (00:11:43 - 00:12:02)

  • Name the project "First Program" and click "Finish" to create the new project (00:12:02 - 00:13:19)

  • IntelliJ IDEA may automatically configure the Windows Defender settings to allow access to the project directory (00:12:02 - 00:13:19)

  • Customize the IDE settings, such as the theme, font, and font size, to your preference (00:13:19 - 00:14:16)

  • Use the "System.out.println()" method to print output to the console (00:14:16 - 00:16:24)





Open IntelliJ IDEA and click "New Project"


Select the appropriate project SDK (usually Windows 10) and click "Next"


Choose the "Command Line App" project template and click "Next"


Name the project "First Program" and click "Finish"


Customize the IDE settings to your preference


Use "System.out.println()" to print output to the console

Introduction to Java Programming

Hello World Program

Description: The "Hello World" program is a fundamental program in Java that demonstrates the basic syntax and structure of a Java program. It involves printing the message "Hello World" to the console.

Key Points:

  • The System.out.print()

    or System.out.println()

    method is used to output text to the console.

  • The main()

    method is the entry point of a Java program.

  • Java is a case-sensitive language, so the capitalization of keywords and variable names is important.

  • Semicolons (;

    ) are used to terminate statements in Java.

  • Java programs are typically saved with a .java

    file extension.

Java Basics

Description: Java is a popular and widely-used programming language that is known for its simplicity, portability, and object-oriented design.

Key Points:

  • Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language.

  • Java programs are compiled into bytecode, which can be executed on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • Java is platform-independent, meaning that the same Java code can run on different operating systems.

  • Java is strongly typed, which means that variables must be declared with a specific data type.

  • Java has a rich set of built-in libraries and APIs that provide a wide range of functionality.

Java Syntax and Structure

Description: The syntax and structure of Java programs are essential to understand for writing correct and efficient code.

Key Points:

  • Java programs are organized into classes, which are the fundamental building blocks of Java applications.

  • Each class has a main()

    method, which is the entry point of the program.

  • Java uses curly braces {}

    to define code blocks and scope.

  • Variables in Java must be declared with a specific data type, such as int

    , double

    , or String


  • Java uses keywords, such as public

    , static

    , and void

    , to define the structure and behavior of a program.

  • Java is a case-sensitive language, so the capitalization of keywords and variable names is important.

Java Operators and Expressions

Description: Java provides a variety of operators and expressions that can be used to perform various operations on data.

Key Points:

  • Arithmetic operators: +

    , -

    , *

    , /

    , %

  • Relational operators: <

    , >

    , <=

    , >=

    , ==

    , !=

  • Logical operators: &&

    , ||

    , !

  • Assignment operators: =

    , +=

    , -=

    , *=

    , /=

    , %=

  • Expressions in Java are combinations of variables, literals, and operators that evaluate to a single value.

  • The order of operations in expressions is determined by the precedence of the operators.

Java Control Structures

Description: Java provides various control structures that allow you to control the flow of execution in a program.

Key Points:

  • if-else

    statements: Used to make decisions based on conditions.

  • switch

    statements: Used to perform different actions based on different conditions.

  • for

    loops: Used to repeatedly execute a block of code a specific number of times.

  • while

    loops: Used to repeatedly execute a block of code as long as a condition is true.

  • do-while

    loops: Used to repeatedly execute a block of code at least once, and then as long as a condition is true.

Java Arrays

Description: Arrays in Java are used to store collections of data of the same data type.

Key Points:

  • Arrays are declared with a specific data type and size.

  • Elements in an array are accessed using an index, which starts at 0.

  • Arrays have a fixed size, which cannot be changed after they are created.

  • Java provides various methods for working with arrays, such as sort()

    , binarySearch()

    , and equals()


Java Methods

Description: Methods in Java are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks.

Key Points:

  • Methods are defined with a return type, a name, and a set of parameters.

  • The void

    keyword is used to indicate that a method does not return a value.

  • Methods can be called by their name, followed by a set of arguments enclosed in parentheses.

  • Methods can be overloaded, which means that a class can have multiple methods with the same name but different parameters.

Java Classes and Objects

Description: In Java, classes are the fundamental building blocks of object-oriented programming.

Key Points:

  • Classes define the structure and behavior of objects.

  • Objects are instances of a class, and they have their own properties and methods.

  • Classes can have fields (variables) and methods.

  • Access modifiers, such as public

    , private

    , and protected

    , are used to control the visibility of class members.

  • Constructors are special methods that are used to initialize the state of an object when it is created.

Java Inheritance

Description: Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a new class to be based on an existing class.

Key Points:

  • The new class is called a subclass (or derived class), and the existing class is called a superclass (or base class).

  • Subclasses inherit the fields and methods of their superclass, and can also add new fields and methods or override inherited ones.

  • The extends

    keyword is used to create a subclass.

  • The super

    keyword is used to access the members of the superclass.

  • Java supports single inheritance, where a subclass can have only one direct superclass.

Java Interfaces

Description: Interfaces in Java are a contract that defines a set of methods that a class must implement.

Key Points:

  • Interfaces are declared using the interface


  • Interfaces can contain abstract methods, default methods, and static methods.

  • Classes that implement an interface must provide implementations for all the abstract methods defined in the interface.

  • Interfaces are used to achieve abstraction and provide a way to define a common set of methods that multiple classes can implement.

Java Exception Handling

Description: Exception handling in Java is a mechanism for dealing with unexpected or exceptional situations that may occur during the execution of a program.

Key Points:

  • Exceptions are objects that represent an error or an unusual condition that occurs during the execution of a program.

  • Java provides a hierarchy of exception classes, with Exception

    being the base class.

  • The try-catch

    block is used to handle exceptions, where the try

    block contains the code that may throw an exception, and the catch

    block contains the code that handles the exception.

  • The throw

    keyword is used to explicitly throw an exception, and the throws

    keyword is used to declare that a method may throw an exception.

  • Proper exception handling is important for writing robust and reliable Java applications.

Java I/O

Description: Java provides a rich set of input/output (I/O) classes and interfaces for reading and writing data.

Key Points:

  • The

    package contains the core I/O classes and interfaces, such as File

    , InputStream

    , OutputStream

    , Reader

    , and Writer


  • The Scanner

    class is commonly used for reading user input from the console.

  • The PrintStream

    class is used for writing output to the console, using methods like System.out.println()


  • Java also provides classes for working with files, such as FileInputStream

    , FileOutputStream

    , FileReader

    , and FileWriter


  • Proper handling of I/O operations is important to ensure the reliability and robustness of Java applications.

Java Collections

Description: Java Collections Framework is a unified architecture for representing and manipulating collections, enabling collections to be manipulated independently of the details of their representation.

Key Points:

  • The java.util

    package contains the core collection classes and interfaces, such as List

    , Set

    , Map

    , Queue

    , and Deque


  • Each collection type has its own characteristics and use cases, such as ordered vs. unordered, unique vs. duplicates, and mutable vs. immutable.

  • Common collection operations include adding, removing, and accessing elements, as well as iterating over the collection.

  • Java Collections Framework provides a wide range of implementation classes, such as ArrayList

    , LinkedList

    , HashSet

    , TreeSet

    , HashMap

    , and TreeMap


  • Proper selection and use of collection types is important for efficient and effective data management in Java applications.

Java Generics

Description: Generics in Java is a feature that allows you to write code that works with different data types without needing to know the specific type at compile time.

Key Points:

  • Generics enable the creation of reusable classes, interfaces, and methods that can work with different data types.

  • Generics help to catch errors at compile-time rather than at runtime, improving the overall code quality and robustness.

  • The <>

    syntax is used to specify the type parameter when creating a generic class or method.

  • Wildcard types, such as <?>

    , can be used to represent an unknown type.

  • Generics are widely used in the Java Collections Framework and other Java libraries to provide type-safe collections and data structures.

Java Concurrency

Description: Java provides built-in support for concurrent programming, allowing multiple threads of execution to run simultaneously within a single Java application.

Key Points:

  • Threads are the basic units of concurrency in Java, and they are managed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • The Thread

    class and the Runnable

    interface are used to create and manage threads in Java.

  • Synchronization is used to coordinate the access of shared resources by multiple threads, preventing race conditions and ensuring data consistency.

  • The synchronized

    keyword and the Lock

    interface are used to implement synchronization in Java.

  • Java also provides higher-level concurrency utilities, such as ExecutorService

    , Semaphore

    , and CountDownLatch

    , to simplify concurrent programming.

  • Proper use of concurrency primitives and best practices is essential for writing efficient and scalable Java applications.

Java Networking

Description: Java provides a rich set of networking classes and interfaces that allow Java applications to communicate over a network.

Key Points:

  • The

    package contains the core networking classes, such as Socket

    , ServerSocket

    , URL

    , and URLConnection


  • The Socket

    class is used to create client-side network connections, while the ServerSocket

    class is used to create server-side network connections.

  • The URL

    and URLConnection

    classes are used to interact with web resources, such as retrieving web pages or making HTTP requests.

  • Java also provides higher-level networking APIs, such as the Java Servlet API and the Java EE platform, for building web-based applications.

  • Proper handling of network I/O, error handling, and security considerations is important for writing robust and secure Java network applications.

Java Reflection

Description: Java Reflection is a powerful feature that allows a program to inspect and modify its own structure and behavior at runtime.

Key Points:

  • Reflection provides access to information about the classes, interfaces, fields, and methods of a Java program.

  • The java.lang.reflect

    package contains the core reflection classes, such as Class

    , Method

    , Field

    , and Constructor


  • Reflection can be used to create new objects, invoke methods, and access and modify fields at runtime.

  • Reflection is commonly used in frameworks and libraries, such as dependency injection, testing, and code generation tools.

  • Proper use of reflection requires careful consideration of performance and security implications.

Java Annotations

Description: Java Annotations are a way to add metadata to Java code, which can be used by the compiler, the JVM, or other tools to provide additional information about the code.

Key Points:

  • Annotations are defined using the @

    symbol, followed by the annotation name.

  • Annotations can be applied to classes, methods, fields, parameters, and other program elements.

  • Java provides a set of built-in annotations, such as @Override

    , @Deprecated

    , and @SuppressWarnings


  • Developers can also create custom annotations to suit their specific needs.

  • Annotations can be used for a variety of purposes, such as configuration, code generation, and runtime processing.

  • Proper use of annotations can improve the readability, maintainability, and extensibility of Java code.

Java Streams

Description: Java Streams is a feature introduced in Java 8 that provides a functional-style API for processing collections of data.

Key Points:

  • Streams represent sequences of elements that support various operations, such as filtering, mapping, sorting, and reducing.

  • Streams can be created from various data sources, such as collections, arrays, and I/O channels.

  • Stream operations are executed lazily, meaning that they are only performed when the final result is requested.

  • Streams provide a declarative way to express complex data processing pipelines, improving the readability and maintainability of the code.

  • Streams can be parallelized to take advantage of multi-core processors and improve the performance of data-intensive operations.

  • Proper use of Streams can lead to more concise, efficient, and expressive Java code.

Java Lambda Expressions

Description: Java Lambda Expressions, introduced in Java 8, provide a concise way to represent anonymous functions, which can be used to simplify the implementation of functional interfaces.

Key Points:

  • Lambda expressions are represented using a parameter list, an arrow (->

    ), and a body.

  • Lambda expressions can be used wherever a functional interface (an interface with a single abstract method) is expected.

  • Lambda expressions can capture variables from the enclosing scope, allowing for more expressive and concise code.

  • Lambda expressions are often used in combination with Java Streams to create powerful data processing pipelines.

  • Proper use of Lambda Expressions can lead to more readable, maintainable, and efficient Java code.

Java Optional

Description: Java Optional is a container object that may or may not contain a non-null value, introduced in Java 8 to address the problem of null pointer exceptions.

Key Points:

  • The Optional

    class provides a type-safe way to represent the absence of a value, rather than using null.

  • The Optional

    class provides a set of methods, such as isPresent()

    , get()

    , orElse()

    , and map()

    , to safely work with the potentially absent value.

  • Using Optional

    can help to eliminate null pointer exceptions and improve the overall robustness of Java code.

  • Optional

    is particularly useful when working with Java Streams and Lambda Expressions, where it can simplify the handling of missing data.

  • Proper use of Optional

    can lead to more expressive, readable, and maintainable Java code.

Java Date and Time API

Description: The Java Date and Time API, introduced in Java 8, provides a comprehensive set of classes and interfaces for working with dates, times, and time zones.

Key Points:

  • The java.time

    package contains the core classes of the Date and Time API, such as LocalDate

    , LocalTime

    , LocalDateTime

    , and ZonedDateTime


  • These classes provide a more intuitive and type-safe way to work with dates and times, compared to the legacy Date

    and Calendar


  • The API includes support for various date and time operations, such as parsing, formatting, and performing calculations.

  • The API also provides support for time zones and daylight saving time, making it easier to handle date and time data across different regions.

  • Proper use of the Date and Time API can lead to more robust and maintainable Java code for handling date and time-related functionality.

Java Documentation and Resources

Description: Java has a vast ecosystem of documentation, tutorials, and resources available to help developers learn and master the language.

Key Points:

  • The official Java documentation, available at, provides comprehensive information on the Java language, APIs, and tools.

  • Online tutorials and coding platforms, such as Java Tutorials by Oracle, Codecademy, and Coursera, offer interactive learning experiences for Java beginners and experienced developers.

  • Java-focused websites and blogs, such as Baeldung, JavaTPoint, and Java67, provide a wealth of articles, code examples, and best practices.

  • Java user groups, forums, and communities, such as Stack Overflow and Reddit's r/Java, are valuable resources for asking questions, sharing knowledge, and staying up-to-date with the latest Java developments.

  • Utilizing these resources can help Java developers continuously improve their skills and stay informed about the latest trends and best practices in the Java ecosystem.

Java Concept


Hello World Program

A fundamental Java program that demonstrates the basic syntax and structure of a Java program by printing the message "Hello World" to the console.

Java Basics

Java is a popular and widely-used programming language known for its simplicity, portability, and object-oriented design.

Java Syntax and Structure

The syntax and structure of Java programs, including classes, methods, variables, and keywords, are essential for writing correct and efficient code.

Java Operators and Expressions

Java provides a variety of operators and expressions that can be used to perform various operations on data.

Java Control Structures

Java provides various control structures, such as if-else

, switch

, and loops, to control the flow of execution in a program.

Java Arrays

Arrays in Java are used to store collections of data of the same data type.

Java Methods

Methods in Java are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks.

Java Classes and Objects

Classes are the fundamental building blocks of object-oriented programming in Java, and objects are instances of these classes.

Java Inheritance

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that allows a new class to be based on an existing class.

Java Interfaces

Interfaces in Java are a contract